Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

1. What is a cookie?

Cookies" are small files that we place on your computer or smartphone terminal when you visit our website or view an advertisement. Their main purpose is to enable the application and our website to function, and to provide us with information about your browsing on our sites and your use of our services.
Cookies enable our website and our mobile site (hereinafter together referred to as the "Site") to remember important information, making it easier for you to use our Site and in particular enabling you to access your account, manage your shopping basket, personalize offers and advertisements or remember the pages you visit.
The present cookie policy enables you to find out more about the origin and use of the browsing information collected and processed during your visit to our Site, and about your options regarding the setting of these cookies.


2. How do you exercise your choices regarding cookies?

When you arrive on our site, an information banner allows you to accept cookies, refuse them, make no choice or configure your choices according to the type of cookie.
If you accept the deposit of all or part of the cookies, your consent is valid for a period of six (6) months from the first deposit on your terminal.
If you refuse the deposit of cookies on your terminal, or if you delete those stored there, you are informed that your browsing and experience on the Site may be limited.
You can also decide not to make a choice by clicking on the cross in the banner. In this case, no cookies will be stored on your terminal.

You may at any time modify your choices concerning the deposit of cookies by using the parameterization window of your browser so that cookies are saved in your terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their sender.

Each browser is configured differently to manage cookies and your choices. It is described in the Help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your wishes regarding cookies.

3. What types of cookies do we set?

Bonchon cookies:
These are cookies placed by Bonchon France on your terminal for the purposes of browsing our Site, and providing our services on our Site.

4. What types of cookies do we use?

Technical cookies strictly necessary for the operation of our Site:
These are cookies placed by Bonchon France which are necessary for the operation of our Site and enable you to use the main features of our Site.

These cookies only concern the functioning of our Site and do not require your prior consent to be deposited on your terminal.


Third party cookies for analysis and audience measurement:

These cookies enable us to collect information about your use of our Site, so that we can improve the services and content offered on our Site (for example, the pages most frequently consulted, searches made by Internet users in the site's search engine, products ordered, etc.).
These cookies require your prior consent before being stored on your terminal.


Google Analytics

  • privacy url :
  • tracers : _ga, _ga_# , _gid
  • category: Analytics and audience measurement cookies
  • purposes: Google Analytics collects your IP address and information about your use of our website (frequency, pages visited) to generate statistical data about how you use our website and to help us improve our services and content.

Cookies and social network buttons:

Our Site uses computer applications from third-party social networks such as Instagram, which allow you to share content from our Site with others via third-party social networks or to let those others know your opinion of content on our Site.

They require your prior consent before being deposited on your terminal.

These cookies and social network buttons also allow the social networks to target the advertising offer that they broadcast on their platforms.

Any further processing of your data by these platforms will be governed by the privacy and cookie policies of each platform / social network concerned. We therefore invite you to consult them in order to become aware of the purposes of use, in particular advertising, of the browsing information that they may collect thanks to these buttons.

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